All over the internet, there is constant buzz about different self defense systems. Its present in every forum, and every community that you can picture. People ask themselves... Is it really true? Can I learn to be a ball-busting super commando in just three short days? Super mystery special ops guy tells me that I can.
And so every day, countless people fork over upwards to $200 for this piece of this state-of-the-art top secret info. Every day people get these courses in the mail and every day they are convinced that they have what they need. Unfortunately, some of these people find out to-little-to-late that they need more than just a DVD to teach them correct self defense.
There is an ongoing debate about the validity of seminars and fighting instructional DVDs. There are a lot of people out there who would tell you that in three days you can learn how to defend yourself effectively on the street, when that cannot be further from the truth.
Now, dont get me wrong, I am by no means stating the fighting instructional DVDs and seminars are not excellent tools to use when learning self defense. In fact, I believe that they are excellent tools, but they are by no means the whole enchilada. Self Defense DVDs should be used in conjunction instruction from a teacher from a real school. Now, there are several reasons why this is important.
A school can teach you how to effectively use your technique. You have people you can practice with. You can learn what the right or wrong punch feels like. Even more specifically you have an instructor that you can work on a day-to-day basis. A commando tape can not do that for you, and a Seminar can do that only for a few days. It takes time before mastery of any art can be achieved.
So, before you try out your latest technique from your favorite fighting instructional DVD on some jerk on the street, you need to think before you act. People need to understand that there is no magic pill to a difficult thing such as self defense. To learn effective self defense one needs time to learn the reality of what can really happen to them on the streets. They need to know both the pros and the cons of doing the right or wrong thing in a self defense situation.
It is also important to understand that the right self defense dvs and weapons can often be more practical and even more effective when used in conjunction with effective training and advice from professionals. So even a consumer should call and inquire before they decide to pick any self defense product, including a DVD.
Remember, in self defense, knowledge is power. The more you know the better prepared you are in a confrontation, and the greater your chances are of getting out of a violent situation alive.